Saturday, January 25, 2014

Handmade relief carved ceramic thistle tile

~Happy Robert Burns Day~
I mind it weel, in early date,

When I was beardless, young, and blate,

An' first could thresh the barn,

Or haud a yokin' at the pleugh;

An' tho' forfoughten sair eneugh,

Yet unco proud to learn;

When first amang the yellow corn

A man I reckon'd was,

An' wi' the lave ilk merry morn

Could rank my rig and lass,

Still shearing, and clearing

The tither stooked raw,

Wi' claivers, an' haivers,

Wearing the day awa.

Ev'n then a wish (I mind it's pow'r),

A wish, that to my latest hour

Shall strongly heave my breast -

That I for poor auld Scotland's sake

Some usefu' plan or beuk could make,

Or sing a sang at least.

The rough burr-thistle, spreading wide

Amang the bearded bear,

I turn'd the weeding-heuk aside,

An' spar'd the symbol dear:

No nation, no station

My envy e'er could raise,

A Scot still, but blot still,

I knew nae higher praise.


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